Watch Space Shakes

Director's Statement

This film is an experiment in originality. I had my camera and an afternoon with friends, and I wondered: “what’s the weirdest movie I can make without scaring away my audience?” The result was Space Shakes. Throughout this film’s production, I strove to break the conventional narrative while still maintaining some semblance of a storyline. I wanted to tell a new tale and refine my own filmmaking voice by making something completely out of my own comfort zone. Above all, I wanted to have some fun. While the completion of Space Shakes did require arduous hours of editing, and the work behind the final film was unexpectedly taxing, the joy of filmmaking shines through in the finished product. Even now, I can’t help but smile when I re-watch the film. I remember how much everyone involved laughed and let go along the way, and it reminds me why I love what I do. Please, take a sip of the Space Shake and come along for the ride. It’ll be crazy.