Life or Death Debates

The future's greatest gameshow: two convicts, 120 seconds, and one chance to debate for their lives - all on live television. Tune into this weeks episode, and prepare for a wild ride. Today's debate topic will have you reeling. 


Festival Screenings

Los Angeles

Golden State Film Festival, March 22-28, 2019.  TCL Chinese Theaters.


Student & Young Artists Feedback Festival, March 28, 2019.

New York

Battle of Film Schools February 23rd, 2019.

Director’s Statament

I wrote, directed, and shot “Life or Death Debates” at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts Summer production program. This film is a final testament to the breadth of knowledge I acquired at USC. It is an exercise in drawing the most impact from the fewest resources: one stark location, three actors, and six hours to shoot. 

The content is inspired by my studies in philosophy during my freshman year at Stanford. As I begin to cement a plan for establishing a college major, I intend to marry my passions for filmmaking and philosophy, ultimately examining the crucial intersection between storytelling and ethics. As “Life or Death Debates” is a heartfelt goodbye to the brilliant professors and fellow filmmakers at USC, it is also an excited hello to the coming years of artistry and intellectual engagement. 
